Taith trwy ystafell ddosbarth y Cyfnod Sylfaen – Online Course
Mae’n cwmpasu popeth y dylech ei weld mewn ystafell ddosbarth effeithiol yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen ac mae’n cwmpasu tri phrif bwynt:
1 – Beth ddylech ei weld yn yr amgylchedd?
2 – Beth ddylai’r oedolion fod yn ei wneud?
3 – Beth ddylai’r plant fod yn ei wneud?
Mae’n gorffen gyda rhai negeseuon allweddol ac yn dod â rhestr wirio y gellir ei defnyddio i farnu ble rydych chi ar eich taith tuag at ragoriaeth.
Y pris am y pecyn cyfan gan gynnwys yr hyfforddiant ysgol gyfan a’r rhestr wirio yw £200 + TAW
£200.00 + VAT (20%)
Target Group: FP Leaders, FP Teachers, N/R Teachers, PS1 Teachers
Course Presenter: Cath Delve
FOUNDATION PHASE/ OUTDOOR LEARNING/ WHOLE SCHOOL ISSUES - Cath provides help, support and guidance to schools and local authorities all over Wales. She is a published author and has 26 years teaching experience in three different schools. She was a deputy headteacher of two and an acting head of one.
She is passionate about the wellbeing of children and outdoor learning and presents a wide range of training courses across different areas of the curriculum. Some of her initiatives-such as Messy Monday, Freaky Friday, Igloo and Missions-have been implemented and used by schools all over Wales and even been introduced in England. Alongside her book, she has produced a wide range of resources to support teachers and schools.
As well as being a member of the Collective Learning team she is also an independent education consultant, working alongside schools in a variety of ways all over Wales to help them to move forward in every way.
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