Authentic and Purposeful Learning 3-7 Years – Pedagogy, Culture, Practice

Course date: 28th Nov 2023

This course will highlight what really matters to children, the features of authentic learning and the relevance and importance of first-hand experiences. It will focus on the types of effective learning environments schools need to create to fully support and embrace ‘A curriculum for funded non – maintained nursery settings’ (Early Years), and the New Curriculum.

This course has expired.
Target Group: FP Teachers, Non Maintained Settings, TAs
  • the principles and characteristics of excellent infant practice and pedagogy which never change
  • rich, meaningful, authentic learning and how we can plan for a learning environment that supports experiential and schematic learning
  • the role of the enabling adult in providing engaging experiences in a communication rich environment
  • how we celebrate the process of children’s authentic learning in the classroom through meaningful and relevant high-quality displays and documentation

course attendee quote What people say about the Authentic and Purposeful Learning course...

  • "I found this course excellent! It helped me to understand my classroom practice better and how to improve it with the pupils' holistic development at heart. I particularly liked the ideas about different learning environment areas and how to show progression. Thank you"
  • "So thought provoking. I definitely need to utilise all my space!"
  • "This was a really useful course and Jen was fantastic. I've come away with a clear idea of how my practice and classroom should be. Thank you!"
Course Attendees Spring Term 2023

Course Presenter: Jen Summers

INFANT PEDAGOGY, CULTURE, PRACTICE (3-7 YEARS) Jen Summers has vast and varied experience in primary education. She has taught in and managed two large multicultural nurseries and was a Senior Leader. She is an ‘Associate of the London College of Music’, an experienced musician and a great believer in the creative arts to develop children in the standards agenda.   Jen was the Foundation Phase Training and Support Officer for Newport and then part of a vibrant Foundation Phase Team in the EAS Consortium. She worked closely with schools and settings to ensure high quality Foundation Phase provision for all children across the region.  She has delivered extensive training in all aspects of Foundation Phase/Infant pedagogy and practice to diverse audiences including head teachers, senior leaders, teachers, teaching assistants, governors as well as staff in non-maintained settings. Jen works with schools to promote the development of the whole child through rich, engaging and authentic experiences where children increasingly take responsibility for their own learning in order to become confident, competent and resilient learners.   Search for Courses

Course Location: South Wales - Cardiff

ADDRESS: Future Inn, Hemingway Road, Cardiff Bay, CF10 4AU
  START TIME: 8.30am coffee and registration for a 9.00am start
The Future Inn, Cardiff Bay